Reading on internet

We used visit the library to borrow and read books. When we were kids, we had 1 hour dedicated to reading books in our school. These days, the internet is the source of reading. Any piece of information can be obtained from the internet. Older articles, books are obtained as scanned copies. So much of information can be gathered. The shortcomings of insufficient books in a smaller library are overcome by the internet.

A computer with good internet connection is important. Technology is advanced and size of the source of information has reduced to a size of a palm. Everybody has smartphones. Many e-readers are available for downloads. These e-readers also have some classics that are available for free for readers.

The feeling is different when one reads paper books and on the e-reader. Going to the library to pick books on the rack, planning what to read next, the smell of the pages of a book, these experiences cannot be obtained with the e-reader. One can take many e-books stored in an e-reader which is not possible with paper books. Also, the e-reader brightness can set can be to read in the dark.

News channels and papers have their own their own websites.They update news every hour on their sites. Even working people who would have had to wait to reach homes and watch news can access even before it is published in newspapers next morning or watch it on television.

The Internet is useful to anyone who is in search of information. There could be false information spreading around. So one has to be careful to analyze and choose which is best for them.

The reason I cut my hair short

I have straight hair or wavy hair I donot know. They are wavy after bath and straight when dry. I love the fact that my hair is silk and soft after drying. I had long hair like 10 years ago. It was upto waist. I used to tie them into single braid.

I started cutting my hair shorter because I wanted to try different hairstyles. I had layered cut at first. The length of hair was still long enough. Then slowly over years I use to get hair cut such as u-cut, v-cut and straight cut. As a result, I had medium length hair which is length slightly below shoulders. I have good hair growth after cutting them. I am satisfied with it. Six months ago, I cut my hair upto my neck and now it has become further short upto my face.

I used to loose hair on oiling and on washing. Hair fall was due to different reasons. The water had calcium and magnesium salts. Washing with such water will cause hair fall. The sweat and dust in hair, change in weather also affected hair.Long hair was difficult to maintain. The stress levels I had due to work also made it difficult. Long hair required me to make time for hair care routines. Since I have least interested in hair lengths, I decide to cut short my hair. I have observed that the amount of hair loss on washing hair is less after haircut.

There are lot of benefits for me with short hair. I can was regularly. I can maintain them well. I donot need to tie them back and let them free. I am not afraid that they will get tangled due to wind or breeze and make me look messy.

When I had longer hair, I used to get my hair trimmed at home.I was afraid to go to the salon. I was worried that they will cut it shorter and what if the hairstyle doesn't look go on me. Now I not scared of it. If it is cut shorter than before, I would be happy that I have tried different hair style, the one I wouldn't have asked to cut. That does not mean I hate my hair. I am not going for boy cut or shave my head. I like my hair.I want to see myself in short hair for a change.

I was contented with my length of my hair and never wanted to cut them short. Now I have crossed that phase. I have enjoyed having long hair for enough time. I am happy with my hair length now.

Life is book

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev

Everyone talks about fairy tales and happy ending
Living happy ever after
In reality,
Happy and sad moments are memories that live with us
All these times, there is no ending to anything
Life is a book
Only one chapter closes and other one begins
We highlight the events that are memorable


Photo by Jonathan Borba

Fire ignites the sparkler
the waves draw golden lines
Your touch brings smile, 
a curved line — the one on Cheshire cat

Life lessons

Photo by Anthony 📷📹🙂 from Pexels

Oh precious!, 
Do not break your heart over trivial matters, 
Or withdraw from the world,
Like you don’t belong, 
Stop trying to impress, 
Seek acceptance from the world
Every soul here, are like you are 
They judge you and judged for themselves 
They laugh and weep too like you do 

My first post

Photo by Vlada Karpovich

I've been thinking about starting a blog for ages. I've done my fair share of research online to find the best platform for beginners. So many options came up, but I'm going with blogspot. Why? Well, it was the first suggestion and I just thought, why not? I gotta start somewhere, right? Otherwise, I'll just keep looking for the perfect option!

Life is always like this. We just chill and wait for the best to come to us, you know? Sometimes it actually happens, but most of the time, we gotta go out there and put in some effort. Let's take writing, for example. I could just sit around waiting for inspiration to strike and write the best article ever. Or, I could just start typing about whatever random topic comes to mind. I'm gonna go with the latter option. I mean, why not give it a shot, right?

So, this blog post is gonna be about absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. Just gonna see where my thoughts take me. There you go, I have my first post!

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Image from pexels Weight loss is truly a journey. You research diet plans, exercises and eat healthy food. Make a plan. Then try to stick to...