Journey of weight loss

Image from pexels

Weight loss is truly a journey. You research diet plans, exercises and eat healthy food. Make a plan. Then try to stick to it. Sometime you succeed and other times fail to stick to the plan. Nevertheless, the desire does not stop. You keep on trying with new diets and new physical activity.

I want to loose weight. I have this wish for the past 5 years. The reason is to stay healthy. My body mass index(BMI) is above in overweight range. I want to have normal BMI. The benefits are many. It would avoid the diseases that I would have when I am in 40's. So I have to prepare for it when I am in my 30's. There are up and down of my weight on the weighing scale.There are many reasons why I cannot go. I do not want to focus on why I cannot do. I want to talk about what I did and the results of it.I do not want any advice on how to loose wait. This article does not share any tips on weight loss. Please consult you doctor or dietician for proper rules.

In the beginning, I focussed on exercises. I did running in the evening for 1 hour. Stopped eating fried food. I love pizza, burgers and sandwiches. I with held my cravings. I did all of these for three months. I lost 2-3 kgs. Soon I realised I cannot go for jogging everyday. Then I signed up for Yoga classes. There I learnt several asanas. I did them everyday. I felt rejuvenating. I did yoga for 5 months. There was no significant decrease in weight. My body became more flexible. I could see improvement in my body. Meditation reduced my stress and my patience increased. My enthusiasm in life increased. I had new interests. Cooking was one of them. I started to learn to cook new dishes. I ate them well. Time spent in cooking and eating was more. I did not have interest for excercise. I kept postponing it. As a result I gained the weight I lost in last eight months.

All these time, I kept record of my weight and time it took to lose and gain. It was evident that the time to lose weight was more than time to gain. I did not loose hope. I again tried to loose weight by running. I used to be tired soon . I tried to eat less and resisted the urge to eat food that I love. I lacked self-control this time. It's not same everytime. Your body does not respond same way as it did at a past time. I realised it is futile effort to follow the same pattern of food habits as before. 

So I tried something different this time. I decided not stress and keep trying. I walk for an hour. I cannot do it everyday. Whenever I can I do it for an hour atleast 4-5 times a week. I also try to eat healthy food. I drink sugar less beverages. This time I have not resisted my cravings.I eat what I want. Still I have not reached my required weight. it has not increased either. Loosing weight is indeed a journey.

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Journey of weight loss

Image from pexels Weight loss is truly a journey. You research diet plans, exercises and eat healthy food. Make a plan. Then try to stick to...